So I was blog surfin' and came across the
We Are What We Do web site, and more importantly, their Actions section. The description given is this "Here's our list of simple, everyday actions you can do to help change the world (and have fun while you're doing it). It could be doing something for the community like shopping locally, something for the environment like avoiding plastic bags, or something for you, like learning to paint, sing or speak Spanish..."
I was intrigued, so I read further - and then I was entertained ("
Speak Football?" What?) But after reading a few more of the actions, I realized some of them were very do-able, and some of them really could and would make a difference, even if it was just me doing them. I am not going to make any promises on how well I stick with this, but I am going to give it a try...if only for the challege of it.
So, out of the 129 actions available on the site, I picked 8 to try.
1. Use both sides of every sheet of paper. (I keep a notebook full of lists for work, I have a habit of turning the pages whenever I feel like starting a new list...I will start turning to the back of the page instead.)
2. Give Blood (It's been a few years since I've done this, I think it's time to do it again. Next time I see a blood drive, I'll head in!)
3. Turn off unneccesary lights (Mike will love this one, I always leave the bathroom light on...)
4. Have a bath with someone you love (It saves water!)
5. Don't charge your cell phone over night. (It only takes a couple of hours, max, to charge a phone, that's a lot of wasted energy if you leave it plugged in for 6-8 hours)
6. Shut down your computer properly. (At work, I only fully shut down on Friday's - perhaps everyday would be better.)
7. Stop Junk Mail (This might be my favorite! - If I can reduce the number of junk mail pieces we get every week, that's a lot less stuff for me to sort through, and a few less sheets of paper being printed.)
8. Recycle your specs (I have 2-3 old, extra pairs of glasses that I don't wear or need!)