Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I wasn't going to make any resolutions this year, I don't keep them. But, I changed my mind and have decided to make 4 goals for myself for 2009. As far as these goals go, any progress in any of the areas would be a success in my book. So without further ado, my 2009 resolutions.

1. Capture & preserve more memories. *This means completing some scrapbooks and photo albums, but it also means to focus more on capturing. As I look through Adam's younger years...there is so much to look at. I want to take more pictures, more video and record more of the moments that will make up his childhood. To help me actually accomplish some of this I have joined a Creative Team for The Scrapping Tree, which should help force me t0 get a few layouts done a week. I am also going to attempt Project 365 as well as continue my Book of Me.

2. Do more as a family. *Most of our downtime at home is spent doing things separately. I would like to get in the habit of doing more family activities. That could be taking a walk, playing outside with Adam or just hanging out long as the three of us are spending quality time together. I started this a few months ago by making sure we all sit down together at the table, no TV for dinner at least a few times a week.*

3. Do more with Mike. *Much like above, we don't do things together. At least one date night a month is my goal, it seems reasonable. Rules for date night: Adam can't be with us and it has to be out of our house (unless Adam is elsewhere for the night). If we are going out with friends, we need to try and do something alone together first (or after). Additionally, a few of our Christmas gifts have sparked some togetherness. For example, Little Big Planet is a fun 2 player game and we have finally started working through all of our home videos and are working on a DVD project with them.

4. More time for me. *I spend time every day cleaning, picking up, cooking, taking care of my boys and my home and more...and I don't take time every day for me. I can't promise to take time every day, but I do want to take more time each week to focus on myself. A long bath, an hour at the coffee shop reading, shopping, whatever it takes to keep me happy. A happy Manda means a less stressed, worried girl which makes everyone around me happier too.

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